SIMCO Employee Investment Advisory Committee Request for Grant Proposals
August 15, 2023
SIMCO Media Contact:
Ekta Bhakta
(832) 689-1049
SIMCO Employee Investment Advisory Committee Request for Grant Proposals
CARLSBAD, New Mexico—Salado Isolation Mining Contractors (SIMCO) announces a Request for Grant Proposals. The SIMCO Employee Investment Advisory Committee is accepting proposals from nonprofit agencies within Eddy and Lea Counties (individual and non-charitable organizations are not eligible). Nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply for grants to enrich the lives of people in Southeast New Mexico.
The priorities for funding are:
- Continued Education
- Health & Human Services
- Economic Sustainability
The mission of the SIMCO Employee Investment Advisory Grant Fund is to allocate company-funded grants, where the need is greatest, using the collective skills and knowledge of our employees to make a positive impact in the communities where we live and work. Our SIMCO Employee Investment Advisory Committee is representative of our diverse workforce and comprised of selected non-managerial employees who have been recognized for their leadership qualities by both their managers and peers. This innovative approach gives our employees direct influence where a portion of SIMCO charitable contributions are made, extending our funding across a wider array of regional nonprofit organizations.
Applications are available online at Applications can be mailed or personally delivered and are due Friday September 15th, 2023 by 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Community Relations & Charitable Giving Coordinator Ekta Bhakta at 832.689.1049 or
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